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Thursday, May 1, 2014



This semester has been my most influential by most. I have grown massively as creative person. I have learned to accept new mediums, try new techniques, become a leader, think on the spot, and gained massive knowledge on on professional workflows.

I have been reading a collection of books in the library that has taught me everything in being a good director to an aware cinematographer. In being a director I have learned the set etiquette and shooting for the edit, how to handle auditions, and how to work with performers.

Practising Cinematography skills was brilliant. I have tried varied different cameras and formats. from a 35mm old camera to a Cine camera I have learned it is not about the camera, but really about the composition and how the piece fits at the end. Thankfully I've had many opportunities to practice framing.

Thanks to everyone who has worked and put up with me I have managed to grow on all my skills and improve on them.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Infinite View


Cardiff Filming




I've always wanted to try a Stedicam or a Glidecam, and thanks to our course we finally have one, I went to the induction with Simon and Chris and we learned all the specs.  from what camera we need, the healthy and safety tips, the maximum load, and the best techniques to achieve best results.

The most important thing that was mentioned in the induction for me was that it needed lots of practice, thanks to Rosie and Rachel for organising the performance art pieces that gave me exactly what I need to practice.

VFX for Al-Kimia


In the beginning of AL-Kimia, the concept did not require any heavy visual effects on paper, as the concept was very simple and minimal, we wanted to be able to achieve all effects in camera. When we started the post production staged and finished the rough edit, we received feedback from Simon who mentioned that the edges in the pool was distracting, it also disguised the "infinity" effect we where going for. Jacob and Took nearly every water sequence clip and manually rotoscoped every shot and cleaned the edges (See Below.) 

By doing this it allowed us to even get the wide shots that where impossible to get with the studio space. an advantage of this whole thing it gives us a spotlight effect, because we created more virtual black space not only gives a sense of location, but also the ease for the viewer.


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